saga louts

performance poetry, comedy and music for the beat generation

saga louts

growing old disgracefully

So, let’s begin back in the good old days… This trio were once part of a comedy poetry troupe called Circus Of Poets which also included Ian McMillan. They toured Europe and appeared on TV reading out their words – angry, funny, politically angsty verse – to anyone who’d listen. One reviewer called them “the Four Tops of poetry”. Then they grew older, got respectable jobs and decided living out of a van in the name of verse was a younger man’s game. Now, some 30 years after they first appeared on stage together as idealistic pups, the trio have reformed as the wizened Saga Louts to put the 21st century to rights.


where can you see saga louts?

10th April 2014

A Streetcar Named Retired

Lantern Theatre Sheffield

to book tickets visit The Lantern Theatre website or telephone 0114 255 1776

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